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Arts Emergency promotes the safety and welfare of young people across all our programmes.

We aim to ensure an enjoyable and safe environment for every young person we support.

To understand more about the safeguarding measures in place, please refer to our policies and procedures below.

All Arts Emergency volunteers and staff have signed a code of conduct that states they will be supportive, respectful and will never in any way abuse the young people we work with at Arts Emergency.

We define a safe environment as one where volunteers support, respect and empower young people. The following behaviours are unacceptable and go against our code of conduct:

  • Developing inappropriate relationships with young people

  • Make inappropriate promises to young people

  • behaviour that is in any way abusive, including having any form of sexual contact with a young person.

  • contacting a young person via a personal social media account, rather than through the agreed communication pathways - email and phone

  • smoking and/or consuming alcohol with young people under 18

  • using illegal substances with young people

  • acting in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive

  • bullying, patronise or belittle young people

  • make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of young people.

When should I use this form?

  • If you are working with a young person and you are concerned they are already or are at risk of being abused, be that emotionally, physically, sexually or by neglect

  • If you have a concern about the general physical and/or mental welfare of a young person that needs urgent action.

  • If you are an adult working with a young person and during your care they have been hurt or seem distressed.

  • If you are a young person and you have a concern about a staff member or volunteer, or are worried about your wellbeing or the wellbeing of another young person, please use this form.

What happens after a report is made?

Our Designated Safeguarding Officer or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer will contact you as soon as possible, likely by phone. They will then listen to your concern and take you through the next steps and options.

We also suggest that once you have completed the form that you contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer using the contact details you will be sent via email. These phone numbers are also in the mentor/coach and mentee/coachee handbooks.

Need Emergency help?

If your concern is urgent and you cannot reach our safeguarding team, please contact the emergency services or the NSPCC hotline on 0808 800 5000.

Need general support?

If you are looking for information and support around mental health, bullying, abuse and more, we recommend these organisations.

If your concern is urgent and you cannot reach our safeguarding team, please contact the emergency services or the NSPCC hotline on 0808 800 5000.

Report a concern or record an issue

Report a Concern

Please fill out this report form, providing as much information as you can, and click ‘Submit’ when you’re ready. This will be sent securely to our Safeguarding officer and no one else.
Contact Details
Note for staff: You must fill out this form writing about your own experience rather than relaying other people's information as fact as if you experienced it yourself - e.g. if you are providing second-hand information about an incident, you could write "the mentor sent a mentor report that detailed a meeting with their mentee in a cafe and the mentee disclosed..." rather than writing "the mentor met their mentee in a cafe and the mentee disclosed...".
Concern Details