Jannell Adufo
Jannell (20) is from London. She is currently studying for a degree in Commercial Photography at the University of Bournemouth.
"My work fluidly crosses between the fashion and documentary genres under the umbrella of portraiture." Fitting in with her creative style, she "centres on providing a space for her subjects to exist without any boundaries or categories as that is where endless creative power lies."

Sam Oddie
Sam (21) is a recent graduate of Edge Hill University, he is working freelance, developing his creative practice, and looking for more permanent development opportunities.
“My film is about an experience that can sum up most of my time in lockdown for the past 18 months. In the least likely of circumstances I found myself befriending someone thousands of miles away through what else? The internet. It came with a catch, they were on the final stretch of a prison sentence and were about to go into the world for the first time as an adult. Counting down the days with them definitely gave me clarity at a really uncertain time as we both approached new beginnings in our lives.”
Gwent Odai
Gwent (22) is from London. He has studied Digital Media and Film and TV Production to MA level at Anglia Ruskin University, and is currently on an internship with Kayfabe Productions.
“These are stills taken from two student films that were made to celebrate and empower Black women of all generations, I am proud to have worked with such wonderful women in these projects and use my art to get this important message across.” You can watch Gwent's visual poem here.

Maïs Bouteldja
Maïs (19) is based in Kent. They are currently working part time in the pathology department of a hospital while building a poetry portfolio and taking on various other creative projects.
“This piece is from a wider ongoing project in which I am merging poetry and visual art in a scrapbook/journal format, as I want to expand my creative abilities beyond creative writing. In particular, this work is inspired by my local town and the river Thames, as well as the feelings I experienced of being stuck and 'drowning' in the monotony of the everyday during lockdown."
Helen Hale
Helen (24) is an illustration graduate from Liverpool John Moores University, who specialises in creating objects for the purpose of photo narratives. She aims to surprise and make people laugh, by making them as absurd as possible. The narratives usually involve everyday scenarios, in order to bring a bit of excitement into mundane activities.
“My work tends to follow everyday narratives and objects, but with more texture. I enjoy creating images that will hopefully make someone laugh, or ask the question, why? What started off as a one-off faux fur balaclava, has now evolved into a full faux fur suit with a full wardrobe to match.”