Our gift guide recommendations are all made by our creative young people or by supporters who are kindly giving a proportion of sales to Arts Emergency.
Stocking fillers and unique gifts
For handmade jewellery, check out Arts Emergency Young Talent Millie's shop. Stone Wolf sells her limited and one-off creations, and custom orders. She also donates 10% from every sale to a charity. Shop Stone Wolf jewellery.
The Salon zine by our Community Manager Korantema explores hair, nostalgia and identity through the words of Black women. Buy the zine.
NewsBiscuit: 15 Years of Typos is a collection of stories from Britain’s first daily news satire website. All profits from the book will go directly to Arts Emergency and the charity English Pen. Buy the NewsBiscuit book.
Our Mentoring Manager Rose has released her debut poetry collection, featuring her three acclaimed poetry shows. Buy After the Storm.
Julie Hesmondhalgh has written a fascinating year-long journal on the ups and downs of life as a working actor and producer. All royalties from the book go to Arts Emergency. Buy Julie's book.
Cards & art prints
We're excited to offer you the chance to own a striking limited edition A4 screen print highlighting one of our manifesto points - DO SOMETHING START SMALL, START LOCAL, KEEP GOING. A great gift for someone or just something to display as a reminder to yourself. It's printed on 300gsm fine art paper and is an edition of only 100. All proceeds made from sales go towards supporting Arts Emergency's work. It won't be reprinted so get yours while you can! Buy it here.
Alison Aye makes a new original collage every week, hand-stitched from newspapers. The proceeds from her work go either to Arts Emergency or to the Artist Support Pledge - you can see her work in her online shop.
All profits from artist Mark Leckey's cassette tape 'In The Lingering Twilight Sparkle' go to Arts Emergency and if you can find a player it's a "fantasy travelogue stitching home recordings, spoken word and dismantled tunes." Shop on Boomkat.
New skills
Lisa Maltby has designed an online course covering the essentials for developing a career as a freelance illustrator. 10% of the profit goes to Arts Emergency. Sign up for the course.
If you're a young member who has an online shop, or if you donate a proportion of your sales to Arts Emergency, please let us know so we can add you to our gift guide!