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Promote your work

Give your creative projects and achievements a visibility boost.

Got work you want the world to see? We have thousands of followers from across the creative industries, and we want to help get your work in front of them. Whether it’s audio, fine art, spoken word, graphics, video, writing, design, dance… anything - let’s help you get seen.

To get started, read the 'fine print' section and guidance on how to make the most out of your submission, and then fill out the form. If you have any questions email and we'll help out.

How to get the most out of your submission

  • Think about sending us your most eye-catching piece. Scrolling is most people's default on social media so you need them to stop
  • Think about the story you want to tell - do you want to highlight your past or your future, discuss your engagement with your medium, or talk about your concept? Making it clear who you are/what makes your work unique helps people engage
  • Do you have a website or social media portfolio where interested people can see more of your work? Don't forget to tell us so we can point people in the right direction

The fine print

We can only share work that

  • Is your own. Plagiarism is harmful to everyone involved, so just don't do it.
  • Doesn't contain any copyrighted elements. We completely support creativity in all forms, but please don't send us fanart, fanfiction, works using source material that has been published under a restricted license (other than the one you hold) e.g. edits of other people's images or collages using screengrabs, or videos that contain copyrighted music etc. We don't want you to be sued by Disney/Sony another massive corporation.
  • Does not violate any of our guidelines on ethics, bullying, discrimination or consent (you can see these on the Discord). This includes offensive content eg slurs, unless they are being reclaimed by a member of the group they have been used to oppress. If you aren't sure about anything in this context feel free to get in touch for a confidential chat. We may ask you to provide a contextualising statement or add a trigger warning if we feel it would be helpful.
  • Is presented in a high quality format. This means high quality photos and video, clear sound recordings, well-lit shots, typed or clearly handwritten text. We may need to work with you to create alt-text descriptions and captions to ensure that the presentation of your work is accessible.

Promote your work

Promote Your Work  

Contact Details

Please use the email that you have registered with Arts Emergency or the form will not work!

Tell us about your work

This could include motivations, inspirations, goals, achievements, interests, context - anything that you want your audience to know about how and why you do the creative thing that you do.

This can also be about the piece(s) you've chosen to share. Try and keep it to 300 words or less if you can! If you need any help or would like us to edit/spellcheck it for you before posting please just add a note. 

Share Your Work
Please upload high quality files with your name and the title in the filename. If your files are too large for this form please upload a screenshot/other sample and then email/WeTransfer your work to

Copyright Consent

Media Consent

Data Statement
The information collected in this form will be used solely for the purpose of showcasing the work of young people. Please read our Privacy Policy for full information on how we handle your data.

If you have any issues using this form please contact us at