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Code of Conduct for Young Community

Some guidelines on the kind of behaviour we expect from all young people in our community.

Arts Emergency is based on mutual respect and kindness and we ask that you treat other young people, Arts Emergency staff and volunteers with the care and dignity they deserve. Here are some guidelines on the kind of behaviour we expect from all young people in our community:

Treating others with respect

  • treat others fairly, without prejudice, discrimination or microaggressions

  • respect other people’s differences in gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, ethnicity, disability and religion

  • do not misgender, ask, listen and respect other people’s preferred pronouns

  • respect other people’s privacy. Do not be intrusive.

  • respect other people’s physical and emotional boundaries. If they ask you for space, give it. If they do not feel comfortable answering a question, don’t push.

  • do not engage in behaviour that is emotionally or physically abusive or manipulative

  • do not patronise or belittle others

Taking part in Arts Emergency’s opportunities

  • Be curious and open to learning:
    - listen and show an interest if you are introduced to a network member

  • Show commitment:
    - commit to attending once you have agreed to an opportunity.
    - be on time. If you are running late or have to cancel last minute, communicate, apologise and be proactive about rearranging if this is possible
    - respect other people’s time. Remember that mentors and other people in the Arts Emergency network are volunteers and are giving their time for free
    - we understand that life happens but if you drop out of commitments at the last minute without letting us know, you may be at risk of being excluded from future opportunities

  • Have good communication skills:
    - always communicate in a timely and professional way. See our resource page for tips on writing emails.
    - be polite in person, over email and over video
    - if you collaborate with someone in the Arts Emergency community, ensure you are clear on your expectations. Be proactive and positive in your communication and participatio

  • Fill out feedback forms:
    - if you have received a coach or made a Network or peer connection through us, we expect you to fill out a feedback form. If we do not hear from you in a timely manner, you may be at risk of being excluded from future Arts Emergency opportunities

  • let us know if you see attitudes or behaviour that makes you or anyone else uncomfortable.

Keeping yourself and others safe

  • Communicating with Arts Emergency network members:
    - keep communication via email and video call. As much as possible, try not to use your personal mobile
    - do not share your home address
    - do not share personal information that makes you feel uncomfortable
    - do not send personal or inappropriate photos to anyone
    - do not secretly record or screenshot during a video call
    - do not have anything personal or offensive in the background while on a video
    - no one will ask you to undress during a call. If anyone asks you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable please contact us immediately

  • Going on trips:
    - if the trip is chaperoned, make sure you have the contact details of the Arts Emergency staff member in advance
    - if the trip is not chaperoned, make sure you take a friend or family member with you. Look up travel directions beforehand and familiarise yourself with the details of the event
    - if you can no longer make the trip, communicate this to staff well in advance
  • Social media:
    if you are under 18, please do not follow or interact with Arts Emergency mentors, volunteers or staff through social media. Please use email to communicate, or phone/text where necessary.

If you have any questions about the information above, please contact

Code of Conduct Form

Arts Emergency
Young Talent Code of Conduct Declaration

Our Code of Conduct

Arts Emergency is based on mutual respect and kindness and we ask that you treat other young people, Arts Emergency staff and volunteers with the care and dignity they deserve. Once you have read our guidelines please sign the declaration below.

If you have any questions about the information above, please contact 
