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"[my mentor] gave me the extra confidence boost I needed to take the next step and apply to pursue music at university."

George, aged 17, from Liverpool, was at school studying for his A-levels when he applied for an Arts Emergency mentor to get advice on whether he should pursue his passion for music at university.

I found out about the Arts Emergency mentoring programme through school and thought it would be a good way of getting some clarity on whether I should continue studying music at university or whether I should apply for a different course like Law.

I play the piano and guitar and received a scholarship for organ lessons at my school. I accompany the choir so I play a lot of classical and church music but also play indie and rock music on the guitar at gigs in my spare time.

I was matched with Hilary Browning - a cellist with the Liverpool Philharmonic. During our meetings, we talked about applying to do a Music degree at Oxford University and applying for their organ scholarship. I knew it could be a good route but I didn’t feel confident to apply. Hilary was incredibly supportive and encouraged me to apply and helped me a lot with preparing for the audition, despite the organ not being her instrument.

Hilary gave me the extra confidence boost I needed to take the next step and apply to pursue music at university.

The highlight of my mentoring experience was when Hilary arranged for me to have a private lesson with Ian Tracey who plays the organ at Liverpool Cathedral. Ian was really friendly and he gave me great advice for the Oxford University audition. Although I thought I did horribly at the audition I was offered a conditional place!

As well as giving encouragement, Hilary has been really generous by giving me complimentary tickets to Liverpool Philharmonic performances, which for me, was great entertainment and important for my music development. I’m lucky that my school is supportive of me taking a creative path but Hilary gave me the extra confidence boost I needed to take the next step and apply to pursue music at university.